How to clean sports glasses
A fundamental question that every athlete asks themselves is: How can I best clean my sports glasses without risking damaging them?
This question is crucial for the proper functionality of your sports glasses used during your favorite activities. If the lenses are not clean, your vision will be foggy and unclear, which negatively affects performance during sports. Using dirty lenses not only reduces performance but also increases the risk of falling or performing technical movements incorrectly from a safety perspective.
Additionally, dirty lenses have a negative effect on the eyes, as they cause increased visual stress. This stress can tire the eyes quickly because, involuntarily, the eyes engage in repeated physiological mechanisms to try to focus on the blurry image generated by the dirty lens. Once the lenses are cleaned, the eyes can function correctly again, drastically reducing visual fatigue.

Another very negative aspect to combat is lens fogging, often generated during periods of great fatigue, especially when air circulation is insufficient to prevent condensation from forming on the internal surface of the lens. It is important to know that there are specific chemical treatments that create an anti-fog film on the internal surface of the lens. However, in certain circumstances, even with proper air circulation, these treatments may not be sufficient to prevent fogging. So, if your sports glasses are equipped with anti-fog treatment but still fog up occasionally, don’t worry—it’s normal.
For those who use sports glasses without anti-fog treatment that regularly fog up during intense activities, there are anti-fog cleaning liquids available on the market. These products not only clean the lens but also form an anti-fog film on the internal surface that lasts approximately two days. In this case, proper lens cleaning can be combined with anti-fog technology.

It is essential for the health of your eyes to properly clean your sports glasses after each outing to eliminate bacteria and dirt that accumulate on the lenses and frames. In addition to the health factor, proper maintenance of your sports glasses is crucial for increasing the lifespan of each component over time.
Regularly cleaning the lenses prevents small deposits of dirt, which can be very difficult to remove later. If removed incorrectly, these deposits can lead to annoying smears on the surface of the lens.
Rule Number 1: Clean your sports glasses every time you use them.
As you read this article, think about it: at least once in your life, you have probably cleaned the lenses of your sports glasses with a makeshift cloth like a T-shirt, towel, paper handkerchief, or similar items. While these objects may work if used carefully, they are not ideal. Always remember Rule Number 2: Only use microfiber cloths to clean the lenses.
Below, we list the two most practical and effective items that can be used to clean lenses safely and efficiently:
- Microfiber Pouch: This item is the most effective for those who use sports glasses for their favorite activities. Not only can it be used for proper lens cleaning, but when the glasses are not in use, it protects them from smudges. It’s a low-cost 2-in-1 solution that extends the lifespan of the lenses in your sports glasses. All sports glasses in the Demon line for running, cycling, and multisport come with a soft microfiber pouch. It can also be purchased separately for €3.50.
Click on the photo to access the soft microfiber pouch.
Soft Microfiber Pouch: The microfiber pouch is made from the same materials as the case described above; however, it is designed solely for cleaning lenses. It can be purchased for €3.00. Click on the photo to access the soft microfiber pouch.
Techniques Recommended by DEMON for Cleaning Your Sports Glasses
Cleaning During Activity:
If you need a quick clean during your activity, you can use the two items described above. Moisten the surface of the lens with a simple “breath” and gently clean the lens with the cloth.
Note: It is fundamental that the surface of the microfiber is perfectly clean, so remember to clean it with neutral soap whenever it gets dirty.
Rule Number 3:
Always keep your cleaning cloths clean.
Complete Cleaning After Activity:
Once your activity is finished, it is essential to carry out a complete cleaning of your sports glasses to better clean the lenses and eliminate bacteria for proper hygiene. Our advice is to clean both the lenses and the frame with lukewarm water (too cold or too hot water could damage the photochromatic treatment of the lens or the anti-fog treatment, if provided). We recommend using neutral soap; you can place a small amount directly on the lens and wipe it with the microfiber cloth. Rinse with warm water. For drying, you can either leave the glasses to air dry or use a soft cotton cloth.
It is also possible to clean the lenses and frame with warm water without soap. When the frame and lenses are dry, use an anti-fog liquid to clean the lens and eliminate bacteria.
If the lenses are not visibly dirty, you can simply clean the frame with warm water and dry it with a cloth, then use the liquid described above to effectively clean the lenses.
Rule Number 4:
To clean the lenses, only use warm water to avoid damaging the lens treatments.
Cleaning the Frame:
To clean the frame effectively, you can use the techniques described above. It is important to know that sports glasses are constructed from different materials than sunglasses or optical frames. Elements such as nose pads or hinges are made of plastic, which do not oxidize with water or sweat. For some parts, like the junction between the temples and the front part of the frame or the nose pads, we recommend using a lens brush to effectively remove dirt that can accumulate in these hard-to-clean areas that only a jet of warm water may not clean.
Rule Number 5:
Use a toothbrush to clean the nose pads and other difficult-to-clean parts.

Use only warm water; avoid cleaning the lens with any type of soap, even if it’s neutral. Use the anti-fog cleaning liquid described above when you intend to perform a complete cleaning of the lenses.
These two important notes apply not only to cleaning the photochromic lenses of your sports glasses but also to lenses equipped with anti-fog treatment.
Below are some quick tips with DOs and DON'Ts for cleaning your sports glasses:
- The temperature of the water for cleaning should always be warm.
- For lenses that are NOT photochromic and NOT equipped with anti-fog treatment, it is acceptable to use neutral soap for cleaning the lens. Rinse off any foam with warm water.
- Once drying is complete, clean any marks with a microfiber cloth.
- Never leave your sports glasses in the car under the summer sun or store them near heat sources.
- Avoid drying the lenses with paper towels (e.g., Scottex); if you must, use a soft cotton cloth instead.
- Do not clean the lenses with damp paper towels, as cellulose can irreversibly damage the lens.
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