Collection: Trail Running Sunglasses

Trail Running is a form of running that takes place in natural environments, typically along mountain trails, through forests, across plains, hills, and occasionally on desert terrain or limited stretches of asphalt (usually less than 20% of the total route length).

This sport often involves routes of considerable length, with significant elevation gains and losses.

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Trail running epitomizes the essence of fully immersing oneself in nature. It's a comprehensive discipline that takes place outside the confines of asphalt or traditional athletics tracks. On a technical level, it not only engages the leg muscles but also challenges the upper body of the athlete.

From a mental standpoint, trail running demands preparation, caution, and sound judgment. While it's commonly associated with mountainous terrain, all that's needed is a natural trail away from urban landscapes.

One of the defining features of trail running is the varied elevation, both uphill and downhill. Negotiating these gradients requires not just physical fitness for performance and enjoyment but also mental readiness and focus to overcome obstacles along the way. A lapse in attention could lead to falls or injuries from missteps.

During ascents, a mix of running and walking is typical, with technical poles sometimes used for support on steep or uneven terrain. Descent, however, demands heightened caution. Precision in foot placement and body positioning is crucial, with weight distribution towards the forefoot to absorb ground impact effectively.

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Trail running offers more than just a run amidst nature; it provides a complete workout experience. The feeling of breaking free from the daily grind and immersing oneself in the rhythm of their own footsteps amidst natural landscapes is unparalleled. Moreover, running on dirt paths is gentler on the joints compared to the harsh impact of asphalt.

Performance in Trail Running

There are two distinct approaches to this discipline: recreational and competitive. Engaging in trail running doesn't necessitate participation in organized events or races; for many, the essence lies in the sheer joy and connection with nature while running. However, those pursuing competitive endeavors adopt a markedly different approach, with tailored training regimens including Fartlek, split sessions, and vertical kilometer training.

Nutrition is another critical aspect, with gender-specific considerations and precise calibration of water and electrolyte intake for training and race days. Despite the organized nature of events, safety measures, and staff along the routes, trail running remains an immersive experience amidst nature.

For recreational trail runners, the focus is less on finishing times and more on enjoying the journey. Distances and time become secondary concerns; instead, one runs at their own pace, attuned to the sensations of their body, often disregarding clocks or GPS devices to truly embrace the moment.

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Trail running races with a distance shorter than 42 km are typically categorized as "trail" races and generally feature elevation gains and losses totaling around 3000 meters.


Trail running races that exceed 42 km in distance and/or feature elevation gains and losses of 4000 meters or more are commonly referred to as "ultra" or "ultra-trail" races. According to ITRA (International Trail Running Association), they are further categorized as follows:

  • Between 42 and 69 km: Trail ultra-medium (M).
  • Between 70 and 99 km: Trail ultra-long (L).
  • Over 100 km: Trail ultra-xlong (XL).


Additionally, there are competitions that surpass traditional classifications due to their extreme nature. These races cover distances close to or exceeding 200 miles (approximately 320 km) with elevation gains and losses often exceeding 10,000 meters. They are commonly known as "endurance trail" races. Examples of such competitions include:

  • Tor des Géants
  • Petite Trotte in Leon